You could be the Next winner - MBP Subscribers Magnet contest

Hi Deo,

We are happy to announce the first lucky winner of MBP
Subscribers Magnet contest.

He is Tony Hedberg. He accumulated 24 points and we selected the
winner randomly from the participants with the highest points.

"Congratulation again Tony and thanks for your participation."

Don't be upset if you haven't won. There's still time left for
you to be the next lucky winner. We still got 4 more free copies
of Maxblogpress subscribers magnet to give away and lets not
forget about the entry prize that all participants will get (30%
discount on Maxblogpress Subscribers Magnet).

The contest will end on 29th Oct Midnight and discount will
expire on 2nd Nov midnight.

If you haven't participated in contest yet, then you are missing
a big "chance" to win a fabulous prizes.

Visit the link below to participate:

Good luck and best wishes from us.

Looking forward for your participation.

Best Regards..

Maxblogpress Team

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