Ready, Set, 24 Hours to go [MBP Subscribers Magnet Live]

Hi Deo,

"Subscribers Magnet" relaunch has been a big BANG hit. Lots of
copies of Subscribers Magnet has been sold within 3 days of
relaunch. We would like to thank everyone for being a part of
Maxblogpress family and glad to share our success with you.

Unfortunately, after few days of relaunch, our server went down
due to massive demand of Subscribers Magnet. As a result, we
have to pause the sales offer until we move into better server.

Now, Time for Good news...

We've finally shifted into better server and we're re-opening
sales door after 24 hour.

You might have missed the discount event at the downtime, so we
are giving 24 hour discount offer tomorrow (7th Oct 12:00 EST)
as we go LIVE.

Make sure you grab the offer earlier this time...

We don't know WHEN or IF we will open the discount gate again.
You should think twice before you let this incredible deal

We will send you notification when we go LIVE. If you haven't
signup yet, then go to the page below and signup for the
notification list:

Best Regards,

Maxblogpress Team

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On September 20, 2009

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