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TechnologyTell Review: Intocircuit Power Castle Battery and more

TechnologyTell Review: Intocircuit Power Castle Battery

Even though external battery packs are nothing new these days, I still get excited over them. Especially when they feature something new or slightly different. Yeah, you can call me lame, but with all the energy I use up during the day, external battery packs are completely necessary.

They come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, but my favorite kind manage that sweet spot of size, weight, and capacity. I like to have a battery that is convenient enough to carry, yet can meet most of my energy needs without hassle. As you can expect, there are many external batteries that meet this criteria. However, one, that happens to be new to me, has been brought to my attention. As such, I've been able to test it out and see how it stands up against everything else I've used.


Although the Intocircuit Power Castle 11200mAh battery may not be as well-known as other brands, it should be. The brushed aluminum exterior alone makes it standout among the crowd of plastic-body external battery packs out there. Just the looks and feel of it make it seem like a premium product, although it's very competitively-priced. What can I say, except that I'm a sucker for aluminum/metal, especially when it looks good.

Introcircuit Power Castle battery iClever charger box

Both products in humble packages

If the metal body wasn't enough, the Intocircuit Power Castle 11200mAh battery also features a backlit LCD screen that displays remaining power as a percentage. A single press of the power button (while it's on) makes the screen light up blue for 30 seconds, which is readable at any time of day.

Compared to the standard 4-LED indicator lights, this aspect is above and beyond what one would expect from a non-premium external battery pack. Personally, I find this a game-changer and hope that companies take notice, especially from such a humble manufacturer.

Introcircuit Power Castle battery LED

Brushed exterior and LED screen are awesome

Hard rubber covers both the butt and the 'business end' of the Power Castle – the 'business end' being the side that has LED "flashlight" and USB ports. The input and output ports are labeled by means of cutouts within the rubber. Although it's not so easy to read in dim lighting, this method doesn't wear off over time like simple printing does.

Regardless, the backlit LCD screen indicates which port (and its output value) is active, so label visibility…

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A new star is born: The voice-controlled ZTE Star 2 with KitKat

ZTE Star 2Voice assistance and touchless control of various smartphone features and functions aren't exactly groundbreaking or futuristic things anymore, but there's clearly a lot of room for improvement in the field.

And by the looks of it, ZTE upped the ante all of a sudden at heights not even Motorola can come close to. Forget Moto Voice, and get over Siri, Cortana and Google Now too. The ZTE Star 2 lets you assume control of call placing, photos, multimedia playing and…

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Sony Xperia E4 pictured alongside Z1 Compact, 5 MP camera confirmed

Sony Xperia E4While capable of keeping a surprisingly tight lid on information spills regarding its next-gen high-enders, Sony has apparently lost track of an early Xperia E4 prototype, which ended up in the hands of Polish tech bloggers.

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Miiya smartwatch keeps kids fit

Miiya smartwatch for kids

Miiya smartwatch for kids

One big problem in our digital age is sedentary children. When I was a kid, cars cost a nickel the thought of a child not being active was ludicrous. We played sports and all kinds of active games, in addition to playing video games. But we didn't have those all-absorbing distractions, Mr. Smartphone and Ms. Tablet. Now kids run a real risk of becoming sick from sitting around all day.

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Transform this 3-in-1 bag to meet all gadget carrying needs

I like to streamline my gear as much as the next minimalist, but there is a benefit to owning multiples of certain products. Power/data cables for mobile devices? You never want to run out of those. Speakers? Yeah, it's cool to have a personal, portable one as well as a big, room-rocking unit. Bags? Absolutely.

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Micromax's Yureka could be the geekiest phone yet, with 64-bit CPU and Cyanogen OS

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How technology will change driver's education forever

url-1Today's teen drivers certainly have their work cut out for them. Besides the sheer number and wide variety of motorized vehicles on the road, gadgets like smartphones and tablet devices can cause further distractions, even as they offer guidance that's meant to be helpful, such as turn-by-turn directions.

However, until recently, public schools were almost solely relying on driver's education curricula and teaching methods that hadn't been updated for decades. Fortunately, thanks in large part to technological advancements and a father who's singularly motivated to change things for the better, improvements are on the way – and are already being implemented in some states.

A Tragedy Reveals Outdated Learning Techniques

In 2003, a 17-year-old driver from Georgia named Joshua Brown lost control of his vehicle while driving in a rainstorm. His car hydroplaned at 40 miles per hour, causing him to hit a tree. Sadly, Joshua died in the incident, but his father, Alan, felt compelled to do something to improve the learning process for other new drivers.

Even people who have never taken driver's education courses usually know…

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