[e Readers Reviews] Edge vs Central IT: Where do my apps and services belong?

Featuring: Edge vs. central IT: Where do my apps and services belong? - The Basics: Explaining Kubernetes, Mesosphere, and Docker Swarm

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Edge vs. central IT: Where do my apps and services belong?'
Be able to compare yourself to 800 industry leaders and  get useful resources to leverage your digital initiatives.
The Basics: Explaining Kubernetes, Mesosphere, and Docker Swarm'
Here's why we need to build a smarter IoT'
How to move a project from DevOps to central IT'
It's time for enterprise SSDs: Why clinging to traditional storage arrays is slowing your business'
Multigenerational workforces: 6 ways to foster digital change'

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Posted By e Readers Tips to e Readers Reviews at 2/21/2017 08:05:00 AM

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