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TechnologyTell Review: Toddy Gear Pocket Toddy, Screenster Plush and more

TechnologyTell Review: Toddy Gear Pocket Toddy, Screenster Plush

Fingerprints and smudges. They're the bane of clear, visible screens. It's an unavoidable byproduct of human handling, unless you happen to be one that wears and only touches with gloves. But then that can feel a little too clinical.

Most of us simply grab a loose part of our clothing – the hem of a polyester or cotton shirt – and wipe away. Or try to. While some materials and weaves do well to erase oily marks on glass and screens, others serve to swirl it around and make things worse. So if you're looking for a solution that is a combination of fun and refinement, you might be interested in what Toddy Gear has in store.

Seeing as how my plain microfiber cleaning cloths have seen much action and been put through the ringer, I was more than happy to check out what Toddy Gear was willing to send.


Both the Toddy Gear Pocket Toddy and Toddy Gear Screenster Plush are dual-sided with microfiber and silk. The microfiber cleans and the silk polishes, so you get the best of both worlds. When I opted to test out the compact cloth, I wasn't expecting to also get the Screenster Plush as well. I got a good laugh for a few minutes, since it was a surprise. And it also seemed ridiculous at first blush. A…

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Kim Dotcom to launch a secure Skype competitor

Kim Dotcom to launch a secure Skype competitorAll of Kim Dotcom's projects have a clear focus on security, and his latest project is a more secure alternative to Skype. VentureBeat says Dotcom's company Mega will soon have an encrypted video call service. Dotcom used Twitter to reveal Mega's plans for the service, and he also dug at Skype by saying "bye bye Skype."…

Continue reading Kim Dotcom to launch a secure Skype competitor

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Ring in the new year with a dirt-cheap refurb Samsung Gear 2 or Gear Fit

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Strapped for dough after buying everyone gifts, and setting up the perfect New Year's party?…

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