[e Readers Reviews] [e Readers Reviews] [e Readers Reviews] [e Readers Reviews] [e Readers Reviews] [e Readers Reviews] [e Readers Reviews] [e Readers Reviews] [e Readers Reviews] [e Readers Reviews] [e Readers Reviews] [e Readers Reviews] [e Readers Reviews] [e Readers Reviews] [e Readers Reviews] [e Readers Reviews] [e Readers Reviews] [e Readers Reviews] [e Readers Reviews] [e Readers Reviews] [e Readers Reviews] [e Readers Reviews] [e Readers Reviews] [e Readers Reviews] [e Readers Reviews] [e Readers Reviews] [e Readers Reviews] [e Readers Reviews] [e Readers Reviews] [e Readers Reviews] [e Readers Reviews] Sony Xperia Z2 prices start at EURO 600 in Europe, shipping underway in April and more

Sony Xperia Z2 prices start at €600 in Europe, shipping underway in April and more

Sony Xperia Z2 prices start at €600 in Europe, shipping underway in April

sony-xperia-z2Just like Samsung, Sony isn't promising the quickest turnaround time for its latest flagship smartphone, the Xperia Z2, due out around the world "sometime in April". Also like Samsung, the Japanese are wary of detailing stateside price tags.

But unlike their rivals, the Z2 makers have already started taking pre-orders in Europe, naturally for a specific price. The…

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Samsung Galaxy S4′s Android 4.4 KitKat update starts today on AT&T

Galaxy S4 Android 4.4And then there were two. Major US wireless networks where Samsung's Galaxy S4 is not up to date software-wise, that is, as AT&T is rolling out Android 4.4 KitKat over-the-air as we speak.

Ma Bell is following Sprint and US Cellular's suit, while outside America the LTE-Advanced flavor in Korea and Exynos-powered international version

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Bitcoin's Future May Be in Jeopardy


The Bitcoin world is trying not to panic at the news popular Bitcoin exchange Mt.Gox has abruptly disappeared. Two weeks ago they halted withdrawals due to what they called "technical issues" regarding suspicious activity. Then on Sunday the company's CEO Mark Karpeles quit the board of the Bitcoin foundation and all of Mt. Gox's tweets were deleted.

Things got even more alarming when Mt.Gox itself disappeared. Then something truly chilling: According to leaked paperwork, the site had been hacked, and nearly 750,000 Bitcoins were stolen. To make matters…

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No smartwatch for BlackBerry anytime soon, but never say never

BlackBerry John ChenSmartwatches and wearable devices in general seem to be viewed by many prominent hardware manufacturers nowadays as the next tech must-have, from Samsung to Sony to possibly Apple. Even HTC has confirmed pretty advanced work on likely a One-branded intelligent wristwatch, whereas Google is much cagier on the matter, but definitely interested.


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Facebook Tweaks Newsfeed Algorithm-Again

facebook-logoFacebook has been making what seems like constant tweaks to their newsfeed for a while now, and most of them have prompted reactions varying from frustration to fury from page owners. Facebook Pages, once known as Fan Pages, provide a gathering area for fans of brands, celebrities, TV shows, movies, products, and more.

At one time they were a fantastic marketing tool, but then…

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Do selfies lead to head lice infestations?


This lice took its own selfie. (Image via WebMD.com)

I got into work this morning and opened one of the most amusing press releases I've seen in a while. The title? "Are selfies causing head lice infestations?"

Needless to say, I continued reading.

Jennifer Schindler, Director of Franchise Relations for Lice Lifters, believes "selfies" are to blame for an increase of head lice infestations in teenagers.

"Lice are spread by head-to-head contact, so if kids have a smart phone, they're at risk," says Schindler.


"I went through my daughter's phone and pointed out all of the selfies she took over the weekend where she could have become infected with head lice. 'No head-to-head contact!' I told her," Schindler says.  

I'm sure her daughter took that to heart.


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Moto X sequel confirmed for 'late summer', Motorola smartwatch also incoming

moto-g-moto-xMotorola may have given MWC the cold shoulder this year, not showcasing anything new in Barcelona during the world's largest mobile trade fair. But that didn't stop the Moto G and X makers from stealing some of Samsung or Sony's thunder with an unexpectedly candid Q&A Twitter session.

On the verge of becoming a Lenovo subsidiary, former Google subordinate remains intent on keeping its distinct identity, well, distinct, as…

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