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Nokia confirms that the previous Lumia 800 update corrected the battery issue, promises the camera and audio fixes next and more

Nokia confirms that the previous Lumia 800 update corrected the battery issue, promises the camera and audio fixes next

Nokia Lumia 800

Nokia rolled out a software update for the Lumia 800 smartphone a short while back. And well, it looks like they have come back with some confirmation in terms of that update. According to the folks at Nokia;

“the primary target of the latest Lumia 800 update (1600.2483.8106.11500) was to enhance standby time as well as to bring an improvement to the issue reported by some customers in December, that their phone wasn't able to access the full battery charge capacity correctly. We can confirm that we have successfully tested that those improvements are working.”

And looking forward, Nokia has also promised that other issues are being addressed. The post on the Nokia Support Discussions forum states that they have “noted your concerns regarding audio and camera settings and are going to address those in a series of future updates.”

That being said, while there may be some issues with the Lumia 800 at this time — it is refreshing to see Nokia taking a pro-active approach and not hiding. Bottom line, if you are sporting a Lumia 800 you may want to be on the lookout for future software updates. And just to make it clear, you can always navigate to Settings > Phone Update and select “Notify me when updates are found” to make sure you have the latest and greatest in terms of the software.

Via [Nokia Support Discussions] and [PocketNow]


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Samsung rumored to be announcing a 2GHz Galaxy Tab tablet during Mobile World Congress

According to the latest Samsung and Android related rumors — we may be seeing a Galaxy Tab tablet announced during Mobile World Congress with a 2GHz processor. More specifically, the tablet will feature a dual-core 2GHz Exynos 5250 processor with a display that is “larger than 10 inches.” The display will be WXQGA with a resolution of 2560 x 1600. In addition, it was noted that this device will arrive running Android 4.x Ice Cream Sandwich. That being said, assuming these details are accurate and this happens — Samsung could have a winner on their hands. Otherwise, as to the rumor, it is coming by way of Taylor Wimberly from Android and Me who claims to have seen the device during CES. According to Wimberly;

“I visited with Samsung System LSI during CES to discuss their upcoming Exynos processors and I saw one of their prototype tablets which was powered by Exynos 5250 and already running Android 4.0.”

And speaking in terms of the pics or it did not happen mindset. Wimberly went on to note that he did take pictures of the device but that he “was politely asked to delete them from my camera after the briefing was over.”

Via [Android and Me] and [BGR]


ZTE V66 tablet revealed in Bluetooth SIG filing, looks like it is headed to Verizon Wireless

We have yet to see anything official come from either Verizon Wireless or ZTE, however based on a recent Bluetooth SIG filing it looks like another Android tablet will be coming. The tablet is the ZTE V66 and it will bring features to include a 7 inch display and a dual-core 1.2GHz processor along with support for the 4G LTE network. Additionally, the tablet will be running Android 3.2 Honeycomb. All said and done, while this does not seem all that exciting just yet, we are going to hold back any comments until we get an official announcement. Or more specifically, until we learn what the price will be. After all, if Verizon prices this right it could be a nice offering despite not having the highest specs or the newest version of Android.

Via [PocketNow]


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Google Sync can now sync multiple Calendars on Windows Phone 7

Windows PhoneGoogle Sync now plays more nicely with Microsoft’s Windows Phone 7. Now Windows Phone users will be able to sync multiple Google Calendars to their device, along with some other improvements.

To get multiple Google Calendars on you Windows Phone just point your browser to m.google.com/sync, and select the ones you want on the phone. While on that page you can also make some changes to email. More specifically, you can change what email address your phone sends email from if you have custom email addresses on your Gmail account.

Google has also improved search on Gmail so that it will look through all conversations. NO longer will you be limited to just the emails that are on your device when searching through Gmail.

These are all some pretty small improvements, but it’s nice to know that Google isn’t completely ignoring Windows Phone users. Especially since the OS could start growing more quickly when the Lumia 900 hits the US.

Read [Google+]


T-Mobile will soon begin offering "additional support" for customers using unlocked iPhones

T-Mobile may not officially be offering the iPhone, however that does not seem to stop customers from buying one and then unlocking it for use on the T-Mobile network. And that being said, it looks like T-Mobile is handling the situation rather nicely. Of course, we have heard stories along these lines in the past, however as of January 30th it looks like things will get a tad bit nicer for anyone with an iPhone on the T-Mobile network. Well, nicer if they are looking for support.

The details are coming by way of TmoNews who have recently uncovered a leaked internal memo. According to the details on the memo, “T-Mobile will begin offering additional support to customers using an Apple iPhone” on their network. Further details note that the new support will include things such as “common procedures, information about feature and specifications, and other basic device questions.”

And lastly, as to why this will be happening, nothing specific was given however the memo did make mention that T-Mobile now has more than 1 million iPhones on their network and that this move will benefit the customers because they will only have to make on call.

That said, while it is nice to see this coming from T-Mobile — especially because they do not have to do this — we cannot help but wonder how many iPhone users are actually calling T-Mobile for support. After all, it takes some knowledge to unlock the device in the first place.

Via [TmoNews]


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Google reminds developers that Ice Cream Sandwich has no Menu button

Ice Cream Sandwich Android MarketAndroid 4.0, Ice Cream Sandwich introduced the idea of soft keys to Android smartphones, though it also cut out one button. Ice Cream Sandwich leave no room for the Menu button, and Google want developers to remember that.

The Menu button has traditionally been used for actions that couldn’t fit on screen, but now Google wants developers to put them on screen. More specifically, Google want developers to update their apps to put those option in the Action Bar, usually near the top of the screen. If the options aren’t moved to somewhere in the apps, they overflow to the soft buttons at the bottom of the screen, which can be confusing to users.

None of this is really new, we knew there’d be no Menu button in ICS when it was first announced. Google just wants to have developers used to the idea, and get them to update their apps. Right now there aren’t a lot of apps that take advantage of the Action Bar like Google wants. To be fair, there’s also only one Ice Cream Sandwich phone available at the moment, but as that number increases app developers should really consider getting rid of the need for an extra soft button along the bottom of the device.

Read [Android Developers]


Telus is having a sale and you can get select Windows Phone, Android & BlackBerry devices for free (on-contract)

It looks like Telus is having a weekend sale. Well, technically speaking, they are having a sale and as of this posting there should be about 45 hours remaining to take advantage. With that out of the way, the sale includes only four smartphones however you can get each of those for free on one-year agreements. The handsets are not super new models, but sometimes it is hard to argue with free. Plus, you are only making a one-year commitment so that will most likely take some of the sting out. Anyway, without any further adieu, the handsets include the Windows Phone running HTC Surround 7 and LG Optimus 7, the Android running HTC Desire and the BlackBerry 9800. And lastly, according to the fine print coming from Telus — this offer is only valid for new customers.

Via [Telus] and [MobileSyrup]


Former Palm CEO Jon Rubinstein leaves HP

Jon RubinsteinJon Rubinstein, former CEO of Palm, has left HP. Rubinstein became part of the company when H P bought Palm, and was head fo the WebOS division until last July.

Rubinstein had a commitment to HP or 12 to 24 months, which he completed. His departure comes just a day after HP announced its schedule for open sourcing WebOS. It sounds like Rubinstein had little involvement in the project int he past few months, however. All Things D‘s sources told the publication that Rubinstein wasn’t around HP much after the TouchPad was killed and then-CEO Léo Apotheker decided to spin off the WebOS division. Since then his role has been in “product innovation,” which doesn’t give much of an explanation as to his duties.

As to what he’s doing now, Jon Rubinstein only said that "I am going to take a well deserved break after four and a half years of developing webOS."

Read [All Things D]


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