[e Readers Reviews] [e Readers Reviews] [e Readers Reviews] [e Readers Reviews] [e Readers Reviews] Happy New Year from Gadgetell [2011]

Happy New Year from Gadgetell [2011]

We wanted to take a moment and wish everyone a Happy New Year. And what that really means is we are going to be taking the day off. We also encourage you to do the same. Shut down the computer, put away your tablet, smartphone or other internet connected device and do something offline — hang out with some friends and family. Or maybe just sit around and recover from the celebration that you had last night. Either way, this will be the one and only post from Gadgetell today.

But that being said, we do have some big things coming in 2012. We are coming back with a fresh new design, something we soft launched about a week ago along with a new TechnologyTell brand. In short, you may have noticed the new design already and while you can continue to visit the site directly by surfing to www.gadgetell.com, you can also head to www.technologytell.com where you will have access to the entire family of Tell branded sites including AppleTell, GamerTell and HomeTechTell.

Otherwise, we will have a crew on site in Las Vegas for the kick off of CES 2012 so you can expect to see plenty of hands-on show-floor coverage from Gadgetell.

Image via: Open Clip Art Library


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Posted By e Readers Tips to e Readers Reviews at 1/02/2012 01:16:00 AM

Posted By e Readers Tips to e Readers Reviews at 1/02/2012 01:17:00 AM

Posted By e Readers Tips to e Readers Reviews at 1/02/2012 01:17:00 AM

Posted By e Readers Tips to e Readers Reviews at 1/02/2012 01:17:00 AM

Posted By e Readers Tips to e Readers Reviews at 1/02/2012 01:17:00 AM

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